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Single Mothers

Over the past 30 years, Zia Ul Ummah Foundation has helped hundreds of single widowed or divorced mothers.

Add a smile to a child's face!

Single mothers struggle to support their children

Over the past 30 years, Zia Ul Ummah Foundation has helped hundreds of single widowed or divorced mothers. In Pakistan, due to the male dominated culture, it is even more difficult for a single mother to support her family. Therefore, TeamZUF working throughout Pakistan to support single mothers with financial support and are now working toward building centres to provide life skills such as sewing, cooking, art and craft and IT to allow them to support their family independently.
We are encouraged to provide support and assist those who are facing hardship and this isn’t just financial but also includes emotional support. Our project is underpinned by the importance of serving those in need at times of hardship. We will continue to support single mothers to become independent and self sustained, and this is only possible with your kind donations.

Sana's story

28 years old sister Sana lost her husband in a road accident a few years ago. On the day of sad news, her 2-year-old son was not well and was brought back to a local hospital. Her husband dropped them home and went to bring some dinner for his family but never returned. When the police informed her, it was like her whole world had collapsed. Sana’s ordeal was brought to the attention of a Zia Ul Ummah Foundation field worker, and after all the necessary checks, we decided to financially support her and provide necessary care to her and her child. It has been 2 years since the accident, and Sana is attending local centre to improve her IT and sewing skills, while her 4 years old child attends a local school.